Friday, August 14, 2009



What's Good everybody, Just checking in with the new video, watch it, its got a lot of updates or whatever and is giving shout outs too, especially to my subscribers, thank you again.

I'm good- CLipse feat Pharell

Happy Birthday Vanessa Simmons

Pray for Drake

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thank you Subscibers

So, its officially been 2 weeks since I've started this blog. I know it seems like I havent gotten too far and that I haven't covered much, but Im getting there, just have to get more subscribers first, but to all the subscribers I do have, I want to say thank you, And for subscribing to my page, I made some of you some fan signs. If I am missing someone just let me know and I will gladly make you guys a fan sign. Once again, thanks. So scroll down and and check out your sign.

Mic Lounge
Bam Bam
Skateboard Genius
Poetry in Motion
Life of an Intellectual Mind

Ayesha Maria
Here are what the signs say if you cant read them in the pictures with me in them.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ya Boy is on Youtube

Yo whats good everybody, I know I dont usually post stuff about myself or my life, but this is basically what this blog is about. My life and my opinions, but it is also about your lives and your opinions too. So anybody who needs me to make a fan sign, give them a shout out in a video etc, I got you. But for now tell people about my page and subscribe to my youtube account. Here is my first youtube video.

and for everybody else on Blogger, my first intro video for my blog will be coming soon.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

zSHARE video - FORMTO3.flv

So, I have heard of young girls becoming and/or acting more mature as the years come, but I think this is just ridiculous. Its cute when lil girls do their little dancing, but this is over the top.

click the link below ans scroll down to watch
zSHARE video - FORMTO3.flv

Shared via AddThis

These girls are in Kindergarten and are dancing like girls that I see in the club. problem with this.....uh....YEAH.

if the link above doesnt work, jus go to this site and watch it